Waste Reduction SA – Services
Waste Analysis
Bin Assessments, Audits and Reports
We get down and dirty to find out what is going into your bins, how your current collections systems are working and where they need to improve. This information is crucial in finding solutions towards the most efficient, economic and environmental solutions to your waste.
Kerbside household and commercial waste
Waste Reduction SA has all the equipment and experience you need to collect, dissect and analyse waste disposal behaviour and trends in kerbside bins. Kathy is proud to lead an experienced and enthusiastic team and to deliver detailed analysis, observations and achievable recommendations with her hands on approach.
Event Waste
Analysing your event bin setup and the quantity and type of materials disposed in event and vendor bins can go a long way to improve your event waste management practices. We aim to –
- Save you $ with efficiency measures that match bin capacity to needs
- Address and resolve contamination issues and
- Maximise the materials diverted from landfill.
Medical and industrial waste
Solutions for effective waste management and reduction can be complex for medical and industrial waste but it is important to know exactly what you are dealing with.
- Are you compliant with waste management guidelines for hazardous and medical waste?
- Are you paying for expensive, specialised collections but not utilising them correctly?
- Are there opportunities to improve your waste management?
A thorough analysis of bin materials in conjunction with a site analysis to document existing waste management systems is the starting point to rectify and improve waste management issues in these sectors.
Public litter bins
The composition of waste in public bins is undergoing a significant change as South Australia’s single use plastics bans transform fast food packaging and coffee cups to be uniformly compostable and councils transition to compostable bags for dog poo.
Now is the perfect time to reassess your public bins to ensure they can accommodate and capture the growing organics stream
WRSA are here with knowledge and experience to help, and we recommend taking full advantage of this significant change with education through signage and direct engagement.